Know your Skin Type

There are primarily two simple tests through which one can briefly understand the type of your skin:

1.Skin type identification quiz         2. Tissue test

Let’s start with the quiz first!

Welcome to our comprehensive skin type identification quiz! Understanding your skin type is crucial for selecting the right skincare products and maintaining healthy, radiant skin. This quiz has been meticulously crafted with reference to various skin quizzes available online to provide you with the most accurate results possible. Answer the following questions honestly to determine your unique skin type.

Question 1: How does your skin feel in the morning?

  • a) Tight and dry
  • b) Oily and shiny
  • c) Balanced and smooth
  • d) Combination of oily in some areas and dry in others

Question 2: How does your skin feel after cleansing?

  • a) Tight and uncomfortable
  • b) Clean but immediately starts to produce oil
  • c) Fresh and balanced
  • d) Dry in some areas, oily in others

Question 3: How often do you need to moisturize your skin?

  • a) Several times a day
  • b) Rarely, as it becomes too oily
  • c) Once or twice a day
  • d) Different areas require different frequencies

Question 4: How does your skin look midday?

  • a) Dull and flaky
  • b) Greasy and shiny
  • c) Clear and glowing
  • d) T-zone oily but dry elsewhere

Question 5:How does your skin react to the sun?

  • a) Easily burns, rarely tans
  • b) Tans easily but can burn with prolonged exposure
  • c) Tans evenly with minimal burning
  • d) Uneven tan or combination of burning and tanning

Question 6: How does your skin react to skincare products?

  • a) Often sensitive, with redness or irritation
  • b) Easily breaks out or develops acne
  • c) Generally, tolerates products without any adverse reactions
  • d) Sometimes reacts with dryness or oiliness depending on the product

Question 7: How does your skin react to the weather changes?

  • a) Becomes drier and more sensitive
  • b) Becomes oilier and prone to breakouts
  • c) Maintains its balance, with minimal changes
  • d) Experiences different reactions depending on the climate

Question 8: How often do you experience breakouts or acne?

  • a) Rarely or never
  • b) Occasionally
  • c) Frequently
  • d) Only in certain areas

Question 9: Which statement best describes your skin’s texture?

  • a) Rough or flaky
  • b) Smooth and greasy
  • c) Soft and supple
  • d) Varied texture in different areas


Now, tally up your answers to determine your skin type:

– Mostly a’s: Your skin type is likely dry.

– Mostly b’s: Your skin type is likely oily.

– Mostly c’s: Your skin type is likely normal.

– Mostly d’s: Your skin type is likely combination.


Congratulations on completing the quiz! Armed with knowledge of your skin type, you can now choose skincare products and routines that best suit your needs. Remember, it’s essential to listen to your skin and adjust your regimen as necessary for optimal health and radiance.


Now let’s perform a Tissue Test!

1. Cleanse Your Face:

-Start by washing your face with a gentle cleanser to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup.

-Pat your skin dry with a clean towel.

2.Wait for an Hour:

-Allow your skin to settle for about an hour without applying any skincare products.

3.Test with Tissue Paper:

-Take a tissue paper and gently press it against different areas of your face, especially the forehead, nose, and chin (known as the T-zone).

  • If the tissue paper picks up visible oil or looks translucent or greasy, you likely have oily skin.
  • If the tissue paper doesn’t pick up any oil and your skin feel tight or flaky, you probably have dry skin.
  • If you notice that some areas of your face, like the T-zone, have oil while other areas feel dry, you may have combination skin. The tissue paper will pick up oil from the T-zone but not from the cheeks or other dry areas.
  • If the tissue paper doesn’t pick up much oil and your skin feel balanced and comfortable, you likely have normal skin. This type of skin is neither too oily nor too dry.

4. Assess Sensitivity:

In addition to determining your skin type based on oiliness or dryness, consider whether your skin is sensitive to certain products or ingredients. Sensitivity can manifest as redness, itching, or irritation in response to skincare products, environmental factors, or certain foods.

By following this simple tissue paper test and paying attention to how your skin feels and reacts, you can identify your skin type and choose skincare products that are best suited to your needs. If you’re still unsure or have specific concerns, consulting a dermatologist can provide further guidance and recommendations tailored to your skin.

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