About Us

Know it from our founder- Gunichha

Why did we form Greeco Sustainable Living?

I have always loved watching documentaries of different genres. I vividly remember the day when I decided to watch this one particular documentary that holistically covered the present day global plastic waste problem that we were facing and which had no solution to it whatsoever.

It was so impactful and it displayed the ground level reality in such a raw manner that it made me think and ponder over the problem for days and weeks.

It got me hooked and I watched other related documentaries, read articles and tried to understand the plastic waste supply chain in India. 

The more I learnt, the more I was getting closer to my decision of falling back from my corporate job in Consulting and figuring out how I can, to the best of my abilities, contribute to this unending plastic waste issue that we are facing.

I had always envisioned myself creating something of my own ,working on some idea,but it took a backseat amidst my hectic corporate job. But lockdown gave me the time to think on my priorities and eventually, I was determined to create a substantial change in the ‘perception’ we have when it comes to plastic and its consumption.So I went for it!

The level of dependency we have on plastic is hard to avoid.I soon realised that using plastic and totally depending on its recycling is not the most efficient way of dealing with plastic waste. We have loopholes in the supply chain with not-so-effective ‘segregation at source’ to begin with.

When we look around our homes, plastic is everywhere. Starting from our personal care, kitchen cutleries and equipment to furniture, garden accessories and so much more. It’s not feasible to avoid all of them, but personal care and home cleaning essentials have the potential to provide plastic free alternatives which are easy to switch and adapt without much effort. Also, the amount of plastic waste generation is huge in personal care and home cleaning segment since they are fast moving consumer items and we tend to consume them on monthly basis.

I also realized that there were  perceptions around eco friendly products:
-their cost is at the higher end
-one has to compromise on quality
-the availability is less
products do not cater to particular skin and hair issues.

I took it as an opportunity and decided to create products that will cater to skin/hair types and concerns as well as have zero plastic packaging.

I pulled up my sleeves and started working on creating products in personal care and home cleaning essentials available in the market.I learnt about various ingredients, their properties,their origin, how they react with other ingredients, etc.

I learnt a great deal from workshops,created my own formulations,tested them and tried to improve the quality and effectiveness of the product with each iteration.

And after two years of rigorous formulations, trials and errors, testing and iterations, I decided to begin Greeco’s journey with 9 products which, in my point of view,are the easiest switches and alternatives as well as are effective and non-toxic.

We have a lot in store and we are super thrilled to introduce them to you in the near future..


-Product’s effectiveness and its eco-friendliness can go hand in hand.

-We can be gentle to ourselves as well as to the planet at the same time by choosing the right products and performing the right practices.

-Ayurvedic botanicals and its blends have a potential to create long lasting influence on your skin and hair health.

-‘Refusing plastic’ in the first place is the most effective way of plastic waste management.

-With the philosophy of ‘Refillability’ we can create a positive impact in the overall plastic waste generation.

-Being aware that one should look for sustainable alternatives before choosing to go ahead with plastic, is the best way to go.


-Creating AWARENESS regarding Ayurvedic herbs, non toxic, simple yet effective skincare ingredients and their effects on our health in the long run.

-Creating AWARENESS regarding plastic,plastic pollution,and recyclability to a level where consumers can make informed decisions before buying

-Providing an AVAILABILITY of planet friendly products.

-Creating a psychological shift among people in their buying choices and make them as plastic independent as possible.

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